14 Ideas for a Cracking Side Hustle in Australia

Are you looking for easy ways to make money in Australia? This guide is for you.

A side hustle takes dedication. It needs to work around your regular job, so you need to make that time productive and worthwhile. But how do you do that, exactly?

We’ve compiled this comprehensive guide to side hustles in Australia. Read on to discover 14 ideas for Australian side hustles and how you can make them work for you.

Whether you’re looking for online side hustles, property side hustles, data entry side hustles, or something else altogether – by the time you reach the end of this guide, you’ll know more about what might work for you, how to make it happen, and what to be careful of at tax time. Let’s jump in.

What makes for a good side hustle in Australia?

Many types of side hustle have proven to work well in Australia. Things like tutoring, freelancing within your specialty, dropshipping, renting out assets, delivery driving, content creation and affiliate marketing have all shown they can work well in our economy.

These side hustles are popular because they’re flexible, scalable, and potentially profitable. However, your success depends on things like your personal commitment, market demand, and effective marketing strategies.

But the explosion of platforms like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, Airtasker, and even Shopify, AirBnB, Uber and Uber Carshare show that it can work brilliantly.

So what might work well for you?

How to come up with side hustle ideas for Australia

Now we’re onto the fun part – generating side hustle ideas for Australia can be exciting. Here are nine strategies to help you come up with ideas.

  • Identify your skills and passions: Consider activities or hobbies you excel at or enjoy doing in your spare time.
  • Assess market demand: Research trending industries or services in Australia to identify potential gaps or opportunities.
  • Solve problems: Look for common challenges or problems people face and ask yourself – how can I fix this problem?
  • Leverage your existing network: Explore your personal and professional network for potential side hustle ideas or collaborations.
  • Research online platforms: Browse online marketplaces, freelancing platforms‌ or job boards to discover popular side hustle opportunities.
  • Consider your local community: Consider your local community's needs and preferences and explore side hustle ideas that cater to those needs.
  • Analyse your unique experiences: Reflect on your past experiences, education, or specialisations to identify skills or knowledge you can monetise.
  • Explore emerging trends: Stay up-to-date with current trends, technology advancements, and evolving consumer preferences to identify new side hustle ideas.
  • Seek inspiration from successful side hustles: Look at successful side hustles in Australia or globally to gain inspiration and adapt them to your own circumstances.

Remember to choose a side hustle that aligns with your interests, skills, and available time. Make sure your idea is feasible and potentially profitable before you jump in. Brainstorming, researching‌ and seeking feedback from others might help you refine your vision and increase your chance of success.

With that in mind, let’s get to the nitty gritty – what exactly can you do to make more money outside office hours?

Compare to see what works for you

We’ve compared 15 popular Australian side hustles, rating them from 1-10 for each question:

  • How easy is it to start?
  • How much cash is needed?
  • What’s the time investment?

Here's a quick breakdown of what each score represents:

Easy to start (1-10): This score indicates the level of ease in getting started with the side hustle. A score of 1 means it's very challenging to start, while a score of 10 means it's almost effortless to start.

Cash needed (1-10): This score represents the amount of initial investment or capital required to begin the side hustle. A score of 1 means little to no cash is needed, while a score of 10 indicates a significant amount of cash is required.

Time needed (1-10): This score reflects the amount of time and effort required to manage and maintain the side hustle. A score of 1 indicates minimal time commitment, while a score of 10 indicates a substantial time commitment.

Online side hustles in Australia

There’s no denying we live in an increasingly online world. Try one of these online Australian side hustles, and it may just take off.

Photo by Brooke Cagle / Unsplash

Affiliate marketing

This one isn’t nearly as hands-off as drop-shipping. But it can make for a successful online side hustle in Australia.

Promoting products or services on your website or social media can earn a commission for each sale made through your referral. Starting as an affiliate marketer involves building an online presence and finding suitable affiliate programs.

Easy to start: 6/10

Cash needed: 3/10

Time needed: 7/10

Online tutoring

If you have expertise in a particular subject, tutoring can be a rewarding online side hustle in Australia. Tutoring online allows you to tutor to and from anywhere in the world where there is demand for your specialty.

Easy to start: 7/10

Cash needed: 2/10

Time needed: 6/10

Online content creation

If you enjoy writing, creating videos, or producing digital content, consider starting an online side hustle as a content creator. This can involve blogging, vlogging, podcasting, or creating social media content.

Easy to start: 7/10

Cash needed: 4/10

Time needed: 8/10

If online side hustles aren’t for you, have you considered the classic Aussie investment – a white picket fence?

Property side hustles in Australia

For many Aussies, property side hustles have become a primary investment strategy and form a significant part of their retirement income.

Photo by Dan Burton / Unsplash

Renting out a spare room

If you have an extra room in your home, you can generate income by renting it out through platforms like Airbnb or flat-sharing websites.

Easy to start: 6/10

Cash needed: 2/10

Time needed: 5/10

Renting out a parking space

This one is more for the city dwellers. If you have unused parking space, consider renting it out to people or businesses in need.

Easy to start: 5/10

Cash needed: 2/10

Time needed: 4/10

Property flipping

Buying old or unloved properties, renovating them, and selling them at a profit can be highly profitable. However, unlike the other two property side hustles in Australia, it requires extensive knowledge of the property market and a significant initial investment.

Easy to start: 8/10

Cash needed: 7/10

Time needed: 9/10

Easy side hustles in Australia

If you’re a little more risk averse than taking on an extensive renovation, maybe these easy Australian side hustles are more your style.

Uber Carshare

If you have a car you don’t need to use all the time, have you considered listing it on Uber Carshare? Whether you have a car, ute or van to share, sharing your unused vehicle can generate significant income.

Don’t just take our word for it, though. Read how Sam, Ted and Naomi use car sharing to build their passive income.

Do you need help deciding which platform to use to share your car? Read our comparison of three different car-sharing platforms.

Easy to start: 9/10

Cash needed: 2/10

Time needed: 3/10


Babysitting is a great side hustle for those who enjoy working with children. It's relatively easy to start – just a minimal investment in advertising and basic safety certifications.

Easy to start: 7/10

Cash needed: 3/10

Time needed: 6/10

Pet sitting/dog walking

Ideal for animal lovers, this side hustle involves caring for pets while their owners are away. Starting is as simple as advertising your services and building a client base.

If you’re like us, this is about the easiest side hustle Australia has to offer. More time giving ear scratches and tummy rubs? Yes, please.

Easy to start: 8/10

Cash needed: 2/10

Time needed: 7/10

Tutoring in person

While similar to online tutoring, this can be an entirely different kind of hustle. It'll involve getting your name known in your local community.

Consider approaching schools and universities if there are any locally.  Make yourself known on local noticeboards and in neighbourhood communities, too. Once established, it offers flexibility and convenience. Do you have experience or a special skill or interest you can call on?

Easy to start: 7/10

Cash needed: 2/10

Time needed: 6/10

Data entry side hustles in Australia

In Australia, data entry side hustles can be wildly successful. It’s usually the kind of work you can perform outside office hours and is flexible around your family’s needs.

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters / Unsplash

Virtual assistant

You can offer administrative support remotely to help businesses or individuals with tasks like data entry, scheduling‌ and email management.

Easy to start: 7/10

Cash needed: 2/10

Time needed: 6/10

Transcription services

Transcribing audio or video content is in demand, and you can find opportunities to work as a freelancer for transcription companies or directly with clients.

Easy to start: 8/10

Cash needed: 2/10

Time needed: 7/10

Online surveys

While not a high-paying option, participating in online surveys can be an easy way to earn extra cash in your free time. No skill or experience necessary.

Easy to start: 3/10

Cash needed: 1/10

Time needed: 3/10

Creative side hustles in Australia

Do you consider yourself artistic or have a knack for crafting? Starting a creative side hustle can be a fulfilling way to earn extra income. This could include creating and selling handmade products, such as jewellery, artwork‌ or personalised gifts.

Easy to start: 6/10

Cash needed: 5/10

Time needed: 7/10

Now, let's compare the scores in one easy comparison table.

Aussie side hustles compared

Side hustle

Easy to start

Cash needed

Time needed





Pet sitting/dog walking




Freelance tutoring




Uber Carshare




Affiliate marketing




Online tutoring




Renting out a spare room




Renting out a parking space




Property flipping




Virtual assistant




Transcription services




Online surveys




Creative Side Hustle




Online Content Creation




Remember that these scores are subjective and based on general assessments. They can vary depending on your circumstances and commitment levels. Choose a side hustle that aligns with your skills, interests‌ and available resources.

Think you’ve got a few good ideas? Fantastic. Let’s take a quick look at what you need to consider about insurance, tax and how to make it work for you.


When it comes to insurance considerations for side hustles in Australia, there are some important points to keep in mind.

  • Public liability insurance: Consider obtaining public liability insurance. Protect yourself against claims if someone is injured or their property is damaged due to your side hustle activities.
  • Professional indemnity insurance: If your side hustle involves providing professional advice or services, professional indemnity insurance can safeguard you against claims of negligence or errors.
  • Product liability insurance: If your side hustle involves selling products, product liability insurance can provide coverage in case of injury or damage caused by your products.
  • Business equipment insurance: Insuring your business equipment, such as laptops, tools, or specialised equipment, can help protect you against theft, damage‌ or loss.
  • Personal accident and illness insurance: Consider personal accident and illness insurance to provide financial protection if you can’t work due to an accident or illness.
  • Home and contents insurance: If you operate your side hustle from home, check your home and contents insurance policy to ensure it covers business-related activities and equipment.
  • Motor vehicle insurance: If you use your vehicle for business purposes, check if your current motor vehicle insurance covers commercial use or consider getting appropriate coverage.

Insurance requirements can vary depending on your specific side hustle and circumstances. We recommend consulting with an insurance professional to assess your needs and determine the appropriate coverage for your side hustle.


Photo by Miles Burke / Unsplash

The key thing to remember is that you must declare your income.

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) says, “when you provide your labour, skills or goods for a fee, you need to report this income in your tax return. This applies regardless of whether you’re using a digital platform or more traditional means, such as word of mouth.”

Let’s briefly go over your tax considerations for an Australian side hustle. While we can’t provide specific financial advice, here are some general considerations.

  • Taxable income: Any income earned from your side hustle is generally considered taxable. Report all income received, even if it's irregular or cash-based.
  • Australian Business Number (ABN): Depending on the nature of your side hustle, you may need to register for an ABN. Having an ABN can make conducting business transactions easier and claiming relevant deductions.
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST): If your side hustle reaches or is expected to reach a certain income threshold (currently $75,000 per year), you may need to register for GST. GST obligations include charging GST on your sales and remitting it to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).
  • Deductible expenses: Keep track of all expenses related to your side hustle, as some may be deductible against your income. Common deductible expenses may include equipment, supplies, marketing costs, and home office expenses.
  • Record-keeping: Maintain accurate records of your income and expenses. Keep invoices, receipts, and other relevant documents to substantiate your claims.
  • BAS and annual tax returns: If you're registered for GST, you'll need to lodge Business Activity Statements (BAS) periodically. You'll also need to include your side hustle income and deductions in your annual individual tax return.
  • Seek professional advice: Consider consulting a tax professional or accountant with expertise in small business and side hustles. They can provide personalised guidance based on your specific circumstances.

Remember, tax obligations can vary based on your specific side hustle, income levels‌ and other factors.

It's important to stay informed and follow the requirements set by the ATO. Here’s the latest from the ATO on side hustles for detailed and up-to-date information.

Making your side hustle work

Making your side hustle work in Australia requires more than just a bright idea. You’ll need careful planning, dedication‌ and smart strategies. Here are some things to consider.

Research the market

Explore the demand and competition for your chosen side hustle in Australia. Identify target customers and understand their needs.

Create a business plan

Define your goals, target audience, pricing structure‌ and marketing strategies. Set realistic expectations and establish measurable milestones.

Time management

Allocate dedicated time for your side hustle by optimising your schedule and setting clear boundaries. Prioritise tasks, focus on high-value activities and eliminate time-wasting activities.

Build an online presence

Leverage social media platforms, websites‌ or online marketplaces to promote your side hustle. Showcase your expertise, share valuable content‌ and engage with potential customers.

Networking and collaborations

Connect with like-minded people, industry professionals‌ or potential clients to expand your network. Collaborate with complementary businesses or professionals for mutual growth.

Provide excellent customer service

Deliver exceptional service, communicate effectively‌ and respond promptly to customer inquiries.

Build strong relationships and encourage positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Financial management

Track your income, expenses‌ and taxes related to your side hustle. Consider consulting a financial advisor to ensure compliance with tax regulations and maximise profitability.

Continuous learning and adaptation

Stay updated on industry trends, new technologies, and customer preferences. Adapt your strategies, refine your offerings‌ and continuously improve to stay competitive.

Remember, making a side hustle work requires effort, persistence‌ and a customer-centric approach. We hope this guide helps your lightbulb idea spark into a fully-fledged side hustle which pays dividends in years to come.

Still want more ideas? Discover 12 smart passive income ideas to get that big vision flowing.

Your most common questions

Some popular side hustles in Australia include freelance writing, rideshare driving, online tutoring, pet sitting‌ and starting an e-commerce store. They offer flexibility, potential for extra income‌ and opportunities to leverage skills and interests.

How much money can you make from a side hustle?

The amount of money you can make from a side hustle varies greatly and depends on factors like the type of side hustle, time commitment‌ and market demand. Some side hustles can provide a modest income, while others may generate significant earnings, eventually taking you away from your day job.

What are the tax implications of having a side hustle?

Having a side hustle may have tax implications in Australia. You must declare the income earned from your side hustle and may need to pay income tax on it. Keep track of your expenses, as they may be deductible. Read the latest from the ATO and consult a tax professional for personalised advice based on your specific circumstances.

How do you find time for a side hustle?

To make time for a side hustle, prioritise tasks, set aside dedicated time, cut back on non-essentials, delegate, and maximise productivity. Be organised, focused, and efficient to balance your side hustle with other commitments.

What side hustle can I do with 1 hour per day?

With just 1 hour per day, consider side hustles like online surveys, freelance writing, social media management, tutoring or car sharing. These require minimal time investment and offer flexibility. Choose a side hustle that aligns with your skills and interests, maximising your productivity in the available time.

Information included in this article is accurate as of 03/07/2023. The information published on this blog is of a general nature only and does not consider your personal objectives, financial situation or particular needs. The information published on this site/page should not be relied upon as a substitute for personal financial or professional advice.