New features - June 2018
Thanks to your feedback, we're releasing some new features to our website and app to make sharing cars easier.
We’re regularly conducting user testing and gathering feedback from our members to improve the experience of using Uber Carshare. Over the past few months we’ve collected some fantastic feedback from our members and are right in the midst of releasing some key changes and improvements that you have helped us to identify.
These changes should make the experience of renting out and borrowing cars through Uber Carshare much easier and more enjoyable.
App updates
Redesigned owner section
If you have downloaded the latest version of the app (version 1.8), you will have got a sneak preview into some changes we are rolling out across the owner section of the platform. We’ve made it much easier to do some of the most common things you need to manage your car. Now when you first open the app you’ll have quick access to:
- Block out your car for 1 hour, 3 hours, 1 day or a custom timeframe
- Generate a lockbox code
- See your car’s current location (when it’s not in a borrower booking)
Previously it took at least four clicks to block out your car - now you can do it in as few as two.
Multiple car view:
Single car view
Quick block out function in action
Calendar improvements
The calendar on the app has also had a few improvements over the past few months to make it easier to see the details of your car’s previous and upcoming bookings. Now you can see at a glance what dates you car has bookings (shown in light blue) or when you’ve blocked it out (shown in dark blue). Tap on a day to see more detail. Another recent tweak is the highlight colouring showing today’s date.
Reviews added to the app
We’ve added reviews to the app to make it easier for you to write reviews and see the reviews borrowers have left for you. Review functionality is also in the app for borrowers, so you should see an increase in the number of reviews your car receives as well.
To review your borrowers in the app:
- Select your car and tap on the ‘pending reviews’ tab
- Give each borrower a thumbs up or thumbs down
- You can also leave a comment for the borrower and a private note for Uber Carshare if there’s anything we need to know or follow up on
To see your car’s reviews in the app:
- Select your car and go to the calendar
- Tap the day when your car had a booking (marked by light blue dot)
- Select the booking and see if the borrower has left you a review
Read more about how reviews work in the Help Centre.
Website updates
Improved dashboard
We’ll be releasing a new and improved web dashboard in the next week or so. This will bring the design and functionality in line with the newest version of the app, including quick access to create a block out, get a lockbox code, and get your car’s current location (when it’s not with a borrower in a booking).
New owner dashboard
New quick blockout function
Owner bookings and blockouts
As part of the new dashboard design, we have also consolidated owner booking (formerly called ‘reservations’) and blockouts. We had feedback from lots of you that it was confusing to have two different ways to reserve your car for your own use - bookings and blockouts. With the new dashboard, blockouts will be the method you’ll use to reserve the car for your own use.
Blockouts will appear in your calendar in dark blue, making it easy to distinguish these from borrower bookings.
If you do prefer to use bookings rather than blockouts, you can still do so by going to your car’s booking page. You won’t be charged when you book your own car. You might like to bookmark this page for easy access.